curiosity about the ways of the world

Global gossiping takes off

I didn’t know what kind of response I would get. But within hours of reading my birthday blog Jean posted a comment to say she would be joining global gossip as soon as she had travelled further than Didcot. Then Kate emailed to say she would like to take part. Nick sent a text saying count him in. And with luck I will persuade Ray to put up that piece about the incredible success of Dundee skate park.

I am really pleased that family and friends like the idea of creating a patchwork of impressions about what makes cities tick. Seems fitting that I picked up a few more replies when I was checking email in the hotel lobby in Brussels last week. Fantastic to hear from Carrie in Beijing. She will be posting from the Great Wall! Excellent to find Roel might join in from Maastricht when he has finished moving studios. And better still I open Kate’s email to discover she has actually sent pictures and words on the trams and elevators of Lisbon.

So here’s to Global Gossip (and by the way there’s no exclusion zone round Didcot).

1 Comment

  1. Lisa

    I was absent mindedly googling all sorts of people I know or once knew, which doesn’t often yield any satisfying results, and here I come across your own individual special website. The fact that you have had it for over a year makes me feel slightly less stalker like about discovering it. Can a person be a cyber stalker? Quietly keeping tabs on people’s lives over the internet? I can keep tabs on Ruth and Adam’s music careers this way…..
    Anyway. So now you know you are on my list! Lovely reading your thoughts and ideas, reminds me a bit of Friday evenings a few years ago! x Lisa

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