curiosity about the ways of the world

Because I can

If I can, anyone can. Admittedly it was with a little help from Dougal and Tommy, but I have uploaded my first YouTube video, shot (in case you want to know) on my Nokia N95 when I peered through a hole in the wall enjoying the experience of seeing the National Portrait gallery covered in graffiti. Here is the John Knox Sex Club – yes, I went for the name but stayed for the music – and a glimpse of Edinburgh the way I like it best, when it is not afraid to take a risk…

Millions of people make all kinds of little films every day – weird, wonderful, daft and life-changing stuff, it’s all freely available  for the world to see on YouTube.   But it is a new experience for me and a great feeling to have managed it.  Dougal came up with a great one-liner when I said I might need a little help uploading the video.  “If you can’t work it out from the YouTube website, YouTube has failed.”  It really is as simple as that. And next time I should be able to get the video off YouTube and on to my blog without help from Tommy either.


  1. Administrator

    That’s great Liam, good to see the video (and a good view of your band!). It was such an exciting project, I hope more of that kind of thing happens.

  2. Liam O'Shea

    Hi again Fay. Thought you might be interested in this video, which has just surfaced…..six months later!!

  3. Administrator

    Great to meet you Liam! Like you I am constantly amazed by the internet – the good and bad writ large. (The bad I am thinking today is well illustrated in the climate change deniers having a field day with the hacked emails from UEA scientists). I am such a novice but am really intrigued that my first step into YouTube has produced some really interesting contacts already – although you say it wasn’t a great performance I really liked the energy along with the terrific irreverence of the whole event in that setting. I have another tiny clip of a melodic song but it is probably too short (and shoogly) to upload.

    Also intrigued by your interest in the ‘tenement tree’. I will keep eyes and ears open about developments. And look out for your gigs too. Cheers!

  4. Liam O'Shea


    I’ve found my way here as I’m one of the band members in your video. The internet never ceases to surprise me.
    Thanks for uploading it, sadly it’s not a great performance. I’ve had a look over your blog, which I immediately liked having read your statement about celebrity culture undermining human achievement. I couldn’t agree more, only not put it so succinctly!

    Bizarre that I should scroll down and see a photograph of a recognisable tree and stonework combination! I knew exactly where this photograph was taken, and WHO exactly was building their house on it! I was in his lecture last year when he presented it, talking difficult planners and getting round them. I think it has a very suspicious roof, as it was last year – quite unlike everything around it for miles. I would imagine he has some rapport with the right people. Clearly not at government level however – Haymarket Hotel. I’ve pasted a link to an article with a very funny title in the Url bit.

    I grew up in Edinburgh, but now live in Glasgow – perhaps I can rely on your blog for the developments with the tree. Thanks again,

  5. Administrator

    Thanks Jean, yes had a great birthday – and the tecky advice was a bit of a birthday bonus. Must admit, YouTube introduces a new time dimension, my wee video is only 1 minute 21 seconds. amazing how long that seems!

  6. Jean Richards

    I’m very impressed with you getting to grips with Youtube.

    By the way-hope you had a good birthday.
    Jean xx

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